March 28, 2024
Tra Vinh University, Tra Vinh, Viet Nam
Call for papers
- Factors and conditions for green growth and sustainable development in Viet Nam
- The role of carbon markets in contributing to sustainable development in Viet Nam
- Legal issues and policies for effective operation and development of carbon markets in Viet Nam
- Financial concerns for the establishment and development of carbon markets in Viet Nam
- Technology for the development of carbon markets in Viet Nam
- Renewable energy and carbon markets in Viet Nam
- Carbon credits with sustainable development of agriculture and forestry in Viet Nam
- The potential of the carbon credit market in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
- Comparing policies to develop carbon markets with other environmental policies
- Development of carbon markets in Viet Nam from the perspective of the business sector
- Greenhouse gas inventory and environmental management accounting
- Clean development mechanism (CDM), sustainable development mechanism (SDM), joint implementation (JI) mechanisms
- Emissions trading systems and carbon markets in the world and lessons for Viet Nam
- International collaboration for carbon market development in Viet Nam
- Challenges and barriers to carbon market development in Viet Nam
- Recommendations for carbon market development in Viet Nam
Important dates
February 05, 2024
February 16, 2024
March 15, 2024
March 28, 2024
April 02, 2024
April 14, 2024
May, 2024
Abstract submission
Notification of abstract acceptance, presentation
Full paper and presentation submission
Conference date
Notification of paper revision
Submission of revised papers
Special issue published
Guidelines for authors
1. Papers of about 6,000 and 8,000 words in length (all-inclusive, including tables and references)
2. Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word (12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, 1” margins on all sides) following Vancouver Citing and Referencing Style (version 2019) or an example manuscript from Tra Vinh University Journal of Science (link to the template). Authors should include figures and tables within the text where they are intended to appear.
3. All submissions are required to include the following information on a separate cover page: title of paper, name(s) of the author(s) in intended order of authorship, organizational affiliation(s), position(s), e-mail addresses. The language of paper submissions and conference presentations will be English.
4. Authors are invited to submit their papers in MS WORD electronically to vsfccsd@gmail.com Submitted papers will be acknowledged by the organizers via email. (Please have this code in the Subject field before sending your email: CMSV 2024)
Peer-review process
Reviewers will review each submission under a double-blind peer-review process. All submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria: 1) Significance/contribution to the field; 2) Relevance to conference theme; 3) Aims and purposes; 4) Theoretical foundation; 5) Methodology; 6) Results; 7) Conclusion; and 8) Formatting.
Accepted papers in the conference will be published in a special issue dedicated to this conference in Tra Vinh University Journal of Science (TVUJS; p-ISSN: 2815-6072; e-ISSN: 2815-6099).